Top Surgery Rehabilitation

Although this type of surgery is not under the cancer rehab category, I felt the need to offer support for this population as the rehabilitation requirements are very similar to a double mastectomy. Finding a physiotherapist with experience with these types of surgeries is rare, so I feel very fortunate if you landed on this page! I cannot begin to imagine the journey that has lead you to this point, but it is an honour to connect. Together we can manage any of the following concerns and promote a quick recovery, getting you back to work, back to activity and feeling even more like your true self.

Rehab Plans to Promote a Quick Recovery

  • Pre-operative planning for all top surgeries (prepare the tissue tone for best results)

    Post-operative rehab planning weeks 2-4 managing wound healing, swelling and pain

    Post-operative rehab planning weeks 4-6 managing scar healing and mobility 

    Post-operative rehab planning weeks 6-12 optimizing tissue mobility, scar related symptoms and planning for a return to activity

  • Rehab planning for any complications related to the surgery such as neuropathies, scapular dyskinesia and tissue restrictions

    Safe exercise prescription/return to activity despite functional limitations or symptoms.

    Manual therapy, lymphatic techniques and scar massage

    Chest, shoulder and thoracic mobility and strength

We Support With the Following:

Get started with the Cancer Physio, today.